Ramy Ayach

Ramy Ayach.

Ramy Ayach
Ramy Ayach

Artiste Ramy Ayach : biographie et mp3 de Ramy Ayach. Téléchargement en MP3 des musiques de Ramy Ayach.

Ramy Ayach, insatiable artist.

Born August 18, 1980 in Baakleen, Lebanon, Ramy Ayach is a singer. Songwriter and composer at the same time. His favorite instruments are the Oud but also the guitar, the piano and the drums.

Like many Lebanese celebrities, Ramy Ayach began to make a name for himself on the set of the TV show “Studio El Fan” in 1996. On this occasion, he performed the title Beghnaeela which produced a hit on the audience. strong impression and won him the gold medal.


Ramy Ayach


Ramy Ayach, insatiable artist.

Born August 18, 1980 in Baakleen, Lebanon, Ramy Ayach is a singer, songwriter and composer at the same time. His favorite instruments are the Oud but also the guitar, the piano and the drums.

Like many Lebanese celebrities.

Ramy Ayach began to make a name for himself on the set of the TV show “Studio El Fan” in 1996. On this occasion, he performed the title Beghnaeela which produced a hit on the audience. strong impression and won him the gold medal.

By the way, this song is an immediate hit. Thanks to her, Ramy Ayach was nominated for the “Best Song” award in 1997. Quite naturally, he followed up with the creation and release of a first album entitled Raeh. Then follows a world tour of more than 50 concerts which will take him to 12 countries in Europe but also to the Middle East and the Americas.